Region: Golden Crescent
Coordination Goal: Improve System Operational Infrastructure
Coordination Strategies:
- Continue placing shelters, benches, etc. where appropriate
- Targeted outreach to local businesses / Chamber of Commerce to sponsor shelters/amenities for stops on or near their property
- Continue to review additional needs for amenities
- Implement route information at each stop (maps of routes that stop serves, stop times, etc.)
- Review results of route timing analysis and adjust schedules/services as needed
- Modernization of vehicle fleet
Region: Middle Rio Grande
Coordination Goal: Provide a safe, reliable and cost-effective regional transportation system
Coordination Strategies:
- Continue the SWART Travel Training and Travel Ambassador Programs.
- Seeking funding to update and improve SWART and Del Rio bus technologies.
- Improve SWART’s maintenance program where necessary.
Region: Upper Rio Grande
Coordination Goal: Promote efforts to maximize technical assistance and training to member agencies.
Coordination Strategies:
- Promote collaboration of training events by member organizations such that training costs are decreased and an increased number of persons receive training.
- Identify and support implementation of safety mobility training sessions for member agencies.
- Support travel training programs that encourage greater use of fixed-route services for older adults, persons with disabilities, and other eligible persons.
- Promote multiagency training sessions that offer Continuing Education Units (CEUs) or other certifications to attendees.
- Encourage member organizations to review and update their disaster preparedness plans in anticipation of natural disasters, pandemics, civil disorder, etc.
Region: West Central Texas
Coordination Goal: Improve Communication, Training, and Organizational Support to Promote Continuous Improvement in Service Delivery
Coordination Strategies:
- Enhanced Information Distribution on Services and Transit Networks
- Establish a Mobility Manager Network for Open Communication Between Regional Providers
- Increased Coordination Between Public Transit Agencies, Resources, and Information Exchange
- Enhanced Information Distribution on Services and Transit Networks
- Strategically Extended Service Range and Hours When Financially Feasible
- Continued Operator/Staff Trainings, and the Introduction of Ridership Training