Title | Date | Description | Resource Type |
Coordination Plan Guidebook (PDF) | 2024 | This Coordination Plan Guidebook (guidebook) introduces coordination of transportation services and guides development of a five-year regional public transportation coordination plan (RPTCP). Author/Publisher: Will Rodman, Suzie Edrington, James Cardenas, Tina Geiselbrecht, and Ross PetersonKeywords: General Guidance on Coordination Planning | Publication, Guidebook |
Coordination Plan Guidebook Appendix (PDF) | 2024 | Step by Step Instructions for Updating and Maintaining Regional Coordinated Human Service Transportation Plans. Author/Publisher: Will Rodman, Suzie Edrington, James Cardenas, Tina Geiselbrecht, and Ross Peterson | Publication, Coordination Templates and Tools |
Biweekly newsletter from lead agency to stakeholders (PDF) | 2022 | Central Texas Transportation Grants, Resources, and Updates Newsletter giving biweekly information on Federal and State Legislative news and events, Regional Transportation Advisory Group meeting announcement with a description of the meeting topic, and external Funding Opportunities and Resources. Author/Publisher: Central Texas Council of GovernmentsKeywords: Stakeholder Resources | Publication, Coordination Templates and Tools |
Grant writing resources: University of Alaska Fairbanks | 2022 | A large list of writing guides and resources for developing grant proposals. Keywords: Fiscal Sustainability | Related Link / Website, Grant Funding Information |
Grant Writing Toolkit | 2022 | This Toolkit, developed by Center for Community Health and Development at the University of Kansas, gives a step-by-step overview of the grant writing process and a general template for writing a grant application. Successful grant application examples are also provided. Keywords: Fiscal Sustainability | Related Link / Website, Grant Funding Information |
IIJA Grant Programs 2022-2026 | 2022 | The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA): Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 – 2026 Characteristics of New/Existing USDOT Competitive Discretionary Grant Programs for Planning and Capital Projects. Provided by North Central Texas Council of Governments. Keywords: Fiscal Sustainability | Related Link / Website, Grant Funding Information |
NADTC Coordination, Planning & Public Participation | 2022 | A collection of resources dedicated to coordinating more effectively, planning efficiently and promoting public participation and involvement in decision-making for transportation programs, policies, and regulations. Keywords: General Guidance on Coordination Planning, Public Participation | Related Link / Website, National Program |
National Rural Transit Assistance Program | 2022 | The goals of the RTAP program are to promote the safe and effective delivery of public transportation services in rural areas and to facilitate more efficient use of public transportation resources. To meet those goals, the program focuses on the following objectives:
National RTAP’s comprehensive set of free technical assistance programs and resources includes training materials, webinars, newsletters and technical briefs, peer resources, research, and innovative technology initiatives. Keywords: General Guidance on Coordination Planning | Related Link / Website, National Program |
Promising Practices for Meaningful Public Involvement in Transportation Decision-Making (PDF) | 2022 | The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) is committed to reducing inequities across our transportation systems to ensure that communities benefit from the safe, efficient, and sustainable movement of people and goods. When done right, transportation policy can help level the playing field. It can transform economies, connect people to opportunities, and empower underserved communities to build generational wealth for the future. In partnership with the traveling public, community leaders, State, Tribal and local governments, and Federal agencies responsible for regulatory oversight, we at USDOT strive to empower communities through technical assistance resources such as this set of promising practices for meaningful public involvement. Author/Publisher: US Department of TransportationKeywords: Public Participation | Publication |
Rural Health Information Hub | 2022 | This site provides news, data, and a list of funding opportunities related to health in rural areas. The Rural Health Information Hub is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Keywords: Fiscal Sustainability | Related Link / Website, Grant Funding Information |
Rural Multi-Modal Planning: Why and How to Improve Travel Options in Small Towns and Rural Communities (PDF) | 2022 | This report explores why and how to implement more multi-modal planning in rural areas and small towns. Current trends are increasing demand for non-auto travel options in rural communities, including aging populations, rising poverty, growing health and safety concerns, and growing tourist industries. Various strategies can help rural communities improve and connect walking, cycling, public transport, including innovative facilities and services, and Smart Growth development policies. Keywords: General Guidance on Coordination Planning | Publication, Published Report |
Stakeholder project implementation tracking (PDF) | 2022 | The Subcommittee Progress Worksheet produced by Lower Rio Grande Valley Development Corporation to assist in meeting the needs and gaps of the Five-Year Regional Public Transportation Coordination Plan. Each stakeholder completes the worksheet before the subcommittee meetings to document activities since the previous meeting. It’s broken into section by timeframes for action (short term, mid term, long term, and new). This template still has the Recommendations from LRGVDC’s plan so those would need to be changed to be used by another region. Author/Publisher: Lower Rio Grande Valley Development CorporationKeywords: General Guidance on Coordination Planning, Stakeholder Resources | Publication, Coordination Templates and Tools |
Subcommittee meeting agenda (PDF) | 2022 | The Subcommittee Kick-off meeting agenda from Lower Rio Grande Valley Development Corporation. It includes a review of the findings of the current 5-year Plan and the previous findings. It also includes:
Author/Publisher: Lower Rio Grande Valley Development Corporation Keywords: General Guidance on Coordination Planning, Stakeholder Resources | Publication, Coordination Templates and Tools |
Transit Planning 4 All Inclusive Planning Guide | 2022 | This guide to inclusive planning is built from the knowledge and experience gained from the local projects sponsored by the ACL-funded Transit Planning 4 All program. This is a brief step-by-step introduction to the inclusive planning process. It is our belief that thoughtful and sincere inclusive planning leads to better programs. Author/Publisher: Transit Planning 4 AllKeywords: General Guidance on Coordination Planning, Public Participation | Publication |
2021 Planning Workshop: Implementation Time | 2021 December 8, 2021 | Access by session title presentation materials used during the 2021 Planning Workshop. | Meeting, Workshop |
Washington State DOT Coordinated Public Transit – Human Services Transportation Plan Guidebook (PDF) | 2021 | WSDOT developed this guidebook for their state to provide a resource for their locally developed, coordinated public transit – human services transportation plan (CPT-HSTP). Note that the details on required elements and plan organization do not apply to Texas. This guidebook offers technical assistance and direction for maintaining compliance with the laws and regulations associated with coordinated public transit – human services transportation plans, including: • Conducting and documenting effective community outreach • Topics to address Author/Publisher: Washington State Department of TransportationKeywords: General Guidance on Coordination Planning | Publication, Supplemental Document |
Writing a Coordinated Public Transit Human Services Transportation Plan | 2021 | A Coordinated Public Transit Human Services Transportation (HST) Plan is an important tool for community transportation planning. HST plans create a systematic way for communities to improve collaboration and communication across human service organizations and transportation providers – plans can improve access, efficiency, and effectiveness of community transportation systems. Although the process can seem daunting, the end-results are important. This technical brief summarizes the key steps in developing an HST Plan. National RTAP, the National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM), and the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) collaborated to update this brief. Author/Publisher: National RTAP | Publication, Coordination Templates and Tools |
2020 Planning Lead Agency Conference | 2020 December 10-11, 2020 | Access presentation files and videos from the 2020 Planning Lead Agency Conference. Watch a session again or catch what you missed! Each session has a separate recording to make it easier to find what you’re looking for. | Meeting |
Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM) Federal Fund Braiding Guide (PDF) | 2020 | Based on the input from each participating agency, this guide defines Federal fund braiding for local match and program eligibility to enable Federal agencies and Federal grant recipients to more effectively manage Federal funds and coordinate human service transportation. Keywords: Fiscal Sustainability | Publication, Published Report |
How governments can engage digital resources to manage their Covid-19 response | 2020 | Article provides information about nine digital tools from innovative start-ups and civic tech organizations that could help government entities manage various dimensions of their Covid-19 response. Keywords: Public Participation | Publication |
Ohio Department of Transportation: Coordinated Plan Toolbox | 2020 | Ohio Department of Transportation has gathered and developed resources for lead agencies and coordinated plan planning committees to use to assist in the development of coordinated plans. These tools are meant to be used in conjunction with the coordinated plan template and guidance. Lead agencies are not required to use these materials, but they are provided for convenience. Keywords: General Guidance on Coordination Planning | Publication, Coordination Templates and Tools |
Technical Memorandum – Year-Three Report: RCTP Statewide Metrics 2019-20 (PDF) | 2020 | The purpose of the regionally coordinated transportation planning effort is to provide more efficient and effective public transportation services, especially for priority populations including individuals with disabilities, individuals 65 and older, people with low incomes, veterans, and children. Texas uses a decentralized, stakeholder-driven approach, with 24 designated planning regions charged with developing and adopting a unique regional transportation plan. Lead agencies, in collaboration with regional stakeholders, develop and include a metric for each identified gap in transportation service or local service priority in the coordinated plan. The purpose of each metric is to measure the extent to which each priority was met or gap filled. Metrics may vary from one planning region to another; however, each region’s metrics should demonstrate that individuals in the region, including persons 65 and older and individuals with disabilities, have improved access to an effective and efficient network of public transportation services. The data on these metrics is reported to TxDOT-PTN, which collects common data elements statewide. Included with the report: | Publication, Published Report |
PERFORM Workshop | 2017 November 29, 2017 | Access the presentation materials used during the workshop. | Meeting, Workshop |
Review of Statewide Perspectives from the 2017-2021 Regionally Coordinated Transportation Plans (PDF) | 2017 | This technical memorandum provides an overview of updated public transit-human services transportation plans developed and adopted by stakeholders in each of Texas’ 24 planning regions. Keywords: General Guidance on Coordination Planning | Publication, Published Report |
Regionally Coordinated Transportation Planning Webinar — February 2016 | 2016 February 11, 2016 | Access the presentation materials used during the Regionally Coordinated Transportation Planning WebEx meeting. | Meeting, Webinar |
Regionally Coordinated Transportation Planning Webinar — June 2016 | 2016 June 9, 2016 | Access the presentation materials used during the Regionally Coordinated Transportation Planning WebEx meeting. | Meeting, Webinar |
You’ve Got the Power Workshop | 2016 November 3-4, 2016 | Access the presentation materials used during the workshop. | Meeting, Workshop |
Plan to Work It! Workshops | 2015 February and March 2015 | Access the presentation materials used during the TxDOT-sponsored Plan to Work It! Workshops. | Meeting, Workshop |
Public Involvement Techniques for Transportation Decisionmaking | 2015 | The transportation community may find it challenging to involve the public in a meaningful way. Still, quality planning and project development require meaningful input from the public. This guide provides a variety of tools to secure input from the public on transportation plans, programs, and projects—and it can help agencies improve their overall public involvement techniques. Keywords: Public Participation | Publication, Published Report |
Regionally Coordinated Transportation Planning Webinar — September 2015 | 2015 September 23, 2015 | Access the presentation materials used during the Regionally Coordinated Transportation Planning WebEx meeting. | Meeting, Webinar |
Transit District Profiles – Preliminary (PDF) | 2015 | The Texas Transportation Code Chapter 458 authorizes 26 urban transit districts (UTDs) and 37 rural transit districts (RTDs) to provide and/or coordinate transit services for people in Texas. UTDs and RTDs receive public transportation money through the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). The TxDOT Public Transportation Division (PTN) requested that Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) form a consistent set of profiles for each transit district, providing a quick, easy way for interested parties to comprehensively understand each transit district. This is a preliminary compilation of the profiles. | Publication, Supplemental Document |
Transportation Works: The Blueprint for Connectivity (PDF) | 2015 | The Texas State Independent Living Council’s Transportation Works Project presents this report based on extensive research and thoughtful community feedback. Recommendations in this report may increase economic opportunity and mobility options for Texans with disabilities and seniors. | Publication, Published Report |
Dialysis Patient Transportation in Far West Texas (PDF) | 2013 | This study was designed to provide an overview of the current status of the transportation services for dialysis patients in Far West Texas, and to examine how the main stakeholders — medical and transportation providers, as well as dialysis patients — viewed the transportation system and elicit from them suggestion for improvements. | Publication, Published Report |
2010 Urban/Rural Analysis | 2012 | Access maps and tables of the 2010 Urbanized Area (UZA) in relation to transit operator boundaries in Texas and for each UZA. There are two types of maps available: (1) UZA map showing the change of the urbanized area from 2000 to 2010 and (2) another map that shows transportation service providers in and around each urbanized area. Author/Publisher: Texas A&M Transportation Institute | Publication |
Regional Human Service Transportation Coordinating Councils: Synthesis, Case Studies and Directory | 2012 | The report linked on this page provides a synthesis of the regional coordinating council approach and how regional coordination is complementary to state efforts; 50-state information about which states have state and/or regional councils; case studies of regional councils in five states (California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho and Iowa); information about what factors can help support the success of regional coordinating councils; and a comprehensive directory of regional councils nationwide. Keywords: General Guidance on Coordination Planning | Publication, Published Report |
Review of Texas’ Regionally Coordinated Transportation Plans (PDF) | 2012 | Stakeholders in regions throughout Texas recently updated (or are in the process of updating) regionally coordinated transportation plans according to Federal Transit Administration guidance. This technical memorandum provides an overview of the updated regionally coordinated transportation plans prepared in 2011-2012. The Texas Department of Transportation, Public Transportation Division (TxDOT-PTN) requested researchers from the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) to review these plans. The goal of this report is to provide a summary of content of the newly updated plans, the process used to create them, and highlight some examples of past projects mentioned in the plans. | Publication, Published Report |
Texas Department of Transportation 2012 SOLVE Conference Summary (PDF) | 2012 | The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) sponsored a two-day conference in Austin, Texas on April 17 and 18, 2012 to identify best practices on regionally coordinated transportation services and mobility management. This document serves as a compendium of the information shared at the conference. | Publication, Published Report |
United We Ride Evaluation Report (PDF) | 2012 | A formal evaluation report of the Texas Department of Transportation’s recently completed United We Ride pilot projects. The pilot projects include: Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART), the Heart of Texas Council of Governments (HOTCOG) and Texoma Area Paratransit System (TAPS). | Publication, Published Report |
Regionally Coordinated Transportation Plan | 2011 | Video highlighting the work of the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC), with the assistance of transportation stakeholder groups and transit agencies, in developing an Updated Regionally Coordinated Transportation Plan for the purpose of coordinating public transportation services in the 13-county Gulf Coast Planning Region. | Related Link / Website, Video |
TCRP Report 144: Sharing the Costs of Human Services Transportation | Volume 1: The Transportation Services Cost Sharing Toolkit | 2011 | Volume 1 leads the user through the process of setting up the necessary cost accounting system, identifying the data requirements and the measurement parameters, and describing procedures for applying the model. This volume concludes with instructions for using the actual Cost Sharing Model. Keywords: Fiscal Sustainability | Publication, Published Report |
Site Assessment Instrument for Regional Maintenance Center (PDF) | 2010 | To minimize maintenance cost and improve rural transit vehicles services, a Regional Maintenance Center (RMC) concept is being considered by Texas. Currently, rural transit vehicles are maintained and repaired by local garages, where service fees and quality of work performed often are questionable. RMCs are designed to maintain and repair rural transit vehicles within a geographical region. A cost-efficient method to create an RMC is by upgrading an existing maintenance operation. The objective of this study is to create a site assessment instrument to assist in the process of selecting potential maintenance operations that could be upgraded to an RMC. Upon interviewing various rural transportation experts and visiting the benchmark RMC in Illinois, a list of criteria crucial for a successful RMC was compiled and classified into various categories. The result of this benchmarking was used in a preliminary study of Lubbock County, Texas, and vicinity. | Publication, Published Report |
Concept of a Regional Maintenance Center (PDF) | 2009 | Key contributors to address maintenance concerns for rural transit systems are an aging fleet, poor maintenance practices, and a lack of technical expertise. This lack of local maintenance expertise is especially severe in rural areas. This paper examines the general requirements and maintenance service approach for a Regional Maintenance Center model in rural transportation systems. Among other findings of this study, it was determined that Regional Maintenance Centers, with a training center for mechanics and drivers, could improve vehicle reliability, increase vehicle longevity, and improve service to transit clientele. Also determined was that a generalized “onesize-fits-all” regional maintenance program could actually be counter-productive. Regional Maintenance Centers must be designed and located so potential use by rural transit service providers is maximized in order to provide superior serviceability and quality customer service. | Publication, Published Report |
Job Description: Mobility Manager/Outreach Worker (Trempealeau County, Wisconsin) (DOC) | 2009 | Publication, Coordination Templates and Tools | |
Regional Transit Coordination Guidebook (PDF) | 2009 | The purpose of this guidebook is to serve as a resource for jurisdictions and agencies that wish to develop or improve public transportation opportunities for travelers who cross established agency and jurisdictional boundaries. The guidebook describes conditions that should trigger coordination between public transportation providers, as well as tools, strategies, and organizational structures that are working in communities across America. Each chapter is available as a Microsoft Word document to allow for editing. | Publication, Published Report |
Coordination Strategy Handbook | 2008 | Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s strategy handbook provides a resource for a wide variety of coordination strategies and supports the Wisconsin 2008 Planning Process. Keywords: General Guidance on Coordination Planning | Publication, Published Report |
Job Description: Assistant to the Executive Director, Special Projects (Community Action, Inc. of Rock & Walworth Counties) (DOC) | 2008 | Publication, Coordination Templates and Tools | |
Job Description: Mobility Management Center Coordinator (Heart of Texas regional transportation program) (PDF) | 2008 | Publication, Coordination Templates and Tools | |
Job Description: Mobility Manager (Sauk County, Wisconsin) (DOC) | 2008 | Publication, Coordination Templates and Tools | |
Needs Assessment Survey: Agency Survey – Transportation Needs Assessment (New Jersey) | 2007 | Publication, Needs Assessment Tool | |
Job Description: Director of Asset Development (Southwestern Wisconsin Community Action Program) (DOC) | 2006 | Publication, Coordination Templates and Tools | |
Job Description: Mobility Manager (Transit Authority of River City) (DOC) | 2006 | Publication, Coordination Templates and Tools | |
Needs Assessment Survey: New Jersey Statewide, County and Community Transportation Planning Questionnaire (New Jersey) (DOC) | 2006 | Publication, Needs Assessment Tool | |
Needs Assessment Survey: Vehicle Information (New Jersey) (DOC) | 2006 | Publication, Needs Assessment Tool | |
Job Description: Transportation Coordinator – DRAFT (North Country Independent Living) (DOC) | 2005 | Publication, Coordination Templates and Tools | |
Job Description: Mobility Manager (Lowcountry Regional Transportation Authority) (DOC) | 2004 | Publication, Coordination Templates and Tools | |
Job Description: Transportation Options Manager – TOM (Regional Transit Authority) (DOC) | 2004 | Publication, Coordination Templates and Tools | |
TCRP Report 101: Toolkit for Rural Community Coordinated Transportation Services (PDF) | 2004 | This report examines strategies and practices used to coordinate rural transportation services and identifies model processes used for local coordination efforts in rural communities. It includes a stand-alone executive summary that provides information, instructions, and lessons learned from rural communities that have implemented coordinated transportation services. This information may be used by local communities, state agencies, and tribal governments in planning and implementing coordinated community transportation services in rural areas. Author/Publisher: Jon E. Burkhardt; Charles A. Neslon; Gail Murray; David KoffmanKeywords: General Guidance on Coordination Planning | Publication, Published Report |
Framework for Action: Building the Fully Coordinated Human Service Transportation System — Self Assessment Tools (PDF) | 2003 | A self-assessment tool for states and communities seeking to advance transportation coordination. Author/Publisher: Federal Transit AdministrationKeywords: Public Participation | Publication, Needs Assessment Tool |
TCRP Report 54: Management Toolkit for Rural and Small Urban Transportation Systems (PDF) | 1999 | This toolkit identifies an array of management principles and techniques, for use by small urban and rural public transportation providers, to assist in managing their transportation services and resources effectively. The toolkit has two parts: a guidebook and a self-assessment tool. The guidebook introduces the idea of customer-driven transit service attributes and includes general management philosophies. Also included in the guidebook are exemplary practices and “how to” instructions for some topics. Additional sections describing “rules of thumb” or “things to avoid” are included for some management processes. | Publication, Published Report |
Community Transportation Association of America | The Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) is a national nonprofit organization that is helping to make accessible and affordable transportation a reality in rural, suburban and urban communities throughout the nation. CTAA offers a variety of technical assistance for communities looking to initiate and/or expand transportation services and programs that link people to jobs, medical care and other destinations necessary for quality of life. | Related Link / Website, National Program | |
Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) Contacts | Contact information for Texas’ metropolitan transit authorities. | Related Link / Website, State Contact | |
National Center for Mobility Management’s States At A Glance (List) | Access state and regional contacts, coordinated transportation plans, and other state-level information through the National Center for Mobility Management’s States At A Glance list. Keywords: General Guidance on Coordination Planning | Related Link / Website | |
Rural Transit System Contacts | Contact information for Texas’ rural or non-urbanized transit systems. | Related Link / Website, State Contact | |
Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) | TTI is the largest university-affiliated transportation research agency in the United States. Its mission is to solve transportation problems through research, to transfer technology, and to develop diverse human resources to meet the transportation challenges of tomorrow. | Related Link / Website, Sponsor Program | |
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) | TxDOT, in cooperation with local and regional officials, is responsible for planning, designing, building, operating and maintaining the state’s transportation system. | Related Link / Website, Sponsor Program | |
Texas Department of Transportation Public Transportation Division | TxDOT’s Public Transportation Division provides financial and technical assistance to urban, rural and elderly or disabled transit providers. The division also represents transit in the planning and programming process and prepares funding-needs projections. | Related Link / Website, Sponsor Program | |
Texas Transit District Profiles | Transit District Profiles provide a quick, easy way for interested parties to comprehensively understand each of Texas’ transit districts. Now there are new ways for you to access these profiles. Texas Transportation Code Chapter 458 authorizes urban transit districts (UTDs) and rural transit districts (RTDs) to provide and/or coordinate transit services for people in Texas. UTDs and RTDs receive public transportation money through the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). On behalf of the TxDOT Public Transportation Division (PTN), Texas A&M Transportation Institute’s Transit Mobility Program developed and maintains a consistent set of profiles for each transit district, providing a quick and easy way for interested parties to comprehensively understand each transit district. The PDF profiles are available at TxDOT PTN’s website. An online, interactive version of the profiles is available at the Texas Transit Dashboard. | Related Link / Website | |
Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) | Sponsored by the Federal Transit Administration, the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) serves as one of the principal means by which the public transportation industry can develop innovative near-term solutions to meet demands placed on it. The TCRP has an established reputation for providing useful reports and other tools to help public transportation practitioners solve problems and inform decision makers. | Related Link / Website, National Program | |
Urban Transit System Contacts | Contact information for Texas’ small urbanized transit systems. | Related Link / Website, State Contact |