November 29, 2017
Access by session title the presentation materials used during the workshop.
Keynote: Routes to Success
Hon. L.M. “Matt” Sebesta, Jr., Brazoria County Judge (PDF)
Best Practice Panel: Partnerships that Perform
Moderator: Amy Conrick, Community Transportation Association of America & National Center for Mobility Management
Panelist Presentations:
Nancy Hoehn, Ark-Tex Council of Governments (PDF)
Sarah Hidalgo-Cook, Southwest Area Regional Transit District (PDF)
Mike Sims, STAR Transit (PDF)
Statewide Review of New Regional Plans
James Cardenas, Texas A&M Transportation Institute (PDF)
Collecting & Reporting Statewide Metrics
Kristi Miller & John Overman, Texas A&M Transportation Institute (PDF)
Program Updates
Donna Roberts & Steve Wright, Public Transportation Division (PDF) [also presented a 5-Year Funding Cycle Chart (PDF)]