Region: Lower Rio Grande Valley
Coordination Goal: Increase reliable access to transportation for low income and/or elderly persons within the region
Coordination Strategies:
- Assist individuals to return home to rural areas after hospitalization
- Expand service hours for urban transit provider
- Expand direct services to employment centers
- Design new routes or services to directly serve low-income and/or elderly persons
- Explore new opportunities for multi-modal connections within the exisiting transit system (bike-share, ride sourcing, etc.)
- Coordinate services between rural, urban, and intercity transit providers to provide improved access for riders
- Explore expansion of pedestrian and bicycle facilities within the region with a focus on accessibility
- Build partnerships with traditional and non-traditional stakeholders to increase the likelihood of improvements to mobility for low-income and elderly persons
- Sustain the coordinated planning process
Coordination Goal: Implement a zero-fare program.
Coordination Strategies:
- Regional approach to zero-fare transit
Region: Upper Rio Grande
Coordination Goal: Maximize accessibility and ensure affordability of public transportation
Coordination Strategies:
- Complete operational cost analysis
- Complete current and proposed enhanced system operational cost forecasts.
- Complete passenger fare analysis
- Develop regional accessibility and affordability policies
- Analyze and develop fare collection system
Region: Nortex
Coordination Goal: Continue to expand services to communities that need transportation services the most
Coordination Strategies:
- Continue to assess ways to serve colonias in the rural areas of the region.
- Use Section 5310 grant programs to expand specialized services to older adults or people with disabilities that may have trouble navigating the public transit systems.
- Coordinate with local municipalities and counties to improve roadway networks and pedestrian infrastructure in ways that can support public transit vehicles and pedestrian access to bus stops.
Region: Coastal Bend
Coordination Goal: Increase equal access to transportation services for priority populations in Region 24
Coordination Strategies:
- Expand weekday service
- Establish regularly scheduled intercity services.
- Increase coordination among transportation providers and human service agencies.
Coordination Goal: Increase the accessibility of transit services to SPRCTAC’s six priority populations.
Coordination Strategies:
- Stakeholders involved in SPRCTAC will committee to assisting each other to help fill the gaps in services to SPRCTAC’s six priority populations.
Region: Permian Basin
Coordination Goal: Implement Mobility Strategies to Address Client Needs for Convenient Travel to Work, Community Service, and Leisure Destinations
Coordination Strategies:
- Strategically Extended Service Range and Hours When Financially Feasible
- Establish a Mobility Manager Network for Open Communication Between Regional Providers
- Enhanced Information Distribution on Services and Transit Networks
Coordination Goal: Encourage the installation, and use, of “bus stop” shelter facilities at locations of likely use by the seniorsand people with disabilities.
Coordination Strategies:
- Work with BTD on identifying bus stops along the fixed routes that are heavily used by elderly and disabled patrons. This could include those stops that are near or at assisted living facilities, medical centers, or major retail centers.
- Work with the Cities of Lufkin and Nacogdoches on installation of ADA ramps, sidewalks,or other amenity to potential Bus Stop Shelter locations to assist the elderly and disabled population.
- Work with property ownersof bus stopsto look at potential funding for installation of amenities.
- Work with agencies who would qualify to apply for Section 5310 Program funds to assist with the funding for this project
- Construct Bus Stop Shelter and Bench facilities
Region: Golden Crescent
Coordination Goal: Increase awareness and understanding of the advantages of using public transportation to priority population groups through the region, including individuals with disabilities, aging populations, individuals with limited English proficiency, etc.
Coordination Strategies:
- Collaborate with agencies on the Regional Public Transportation Coordination Steering Committee to form focus groups to help advertise the bus services.
- Leverage various media and opportunities, including traditional media (radio, TV, print), op-ed pieces, social media (Twitter, Facebook), and community meetings.
- Look for opportunities to expose the system to new passengers.
- Print pertinent transportation information in English and Spanish to assist the Spanish-speaking population to understand the available options.