Coordination Goal: Support ongoing coordination, collaboration, & partnerships
Coordination Strategies:
- Strengthen volunteer driver program & development/growth of volunteer network
- Develop regional data management plan for consistent data collection, management, and reporting, including regular timelines for reporting data; and the development of a transportation database
- Support, current microtransit programming for Metro Pickup and CARTS Now service pilots, encouraging expansion where applicable
- Reinstate RTCC working groups for implementation of Regional Coordinated Plan
- Travel training program
- Bus “buddy” network developed as a pilot
- Potential partnerships for those non-profits who may need support with vehicle maintenance
- Partnerships and/or support for administrative staff shortages
Coordination Goal: Define and address regional transportation needs
Coordination Strategies:
- Analyze travel patterns and regional demographics to better understand gaps in service areas
- Further identify public transportation infrastructure needs for in rural areas (i.e. bus shelters, ramps, bike racks, etc.)
- Expand affordable and/or free transit fare programs for qualifying populations; however, analyze if, by providing free fares, they are to places where people need to go
- Collaborate with providers and local transportation/mobility programs to survey major employers and workforce development and transportation demand management (TDM) programs to determine shift times and how employees access work
- Develop commuter travel shed data (How can RTCC show gaps visually for different audiences?)
- Encourage work placement organizations to coordinate and promote car and vanpooling in transit deserts
- Encourage work placement organizations to coordinate and promote car and vanpooling in transit deserts
Coordination Goal: Establish and sustain communications and decision-making mechanisms among sponsors and stakeholders.
Coordination Strategies:
- Maintain the continuity of the Steering Committee by assigning roles and responsibilities as part of the initial meeting.
- Educate policymakers on proposed actions and investments.
- Broaden the base of community and regional stakeholders and partners expressing their support for coordinated transportation.
Coordination Goal: Strengthen partnerships among stakeholders and with the Central Texans we serve.
Coordination Strategies:
- Establish regular communications between cities, counties, chambers of commerce, CTCOG, KTMPO, The HOP, Fort Hood, and other regional stakeholders
- Hold an annual Transportation Summit, similar to the one in 2019, to identify issues and find solutions related to regional transportation needs
- Continue to provide virtual engagement options for coordination meetings to accommodate those unable to attend in person
- Provide newsletter summaries of coordination activites via email or other media to share outcomes with those who were not present
- Regularly seek input as part of advisory group meetings and surveys from public transportation service users (and non-users), especially those in priority populations
- Create a Transit Advisory Committee to improve communication and coordinatio between local entities and the Hill Country Transit District Board
- Deploy a Smart Phone application for The HOP that allows for digital fare payment, real-time location and schedule information, scheduling of demand response service, and integration with other transit and micromobility services
Region: Lower Rio Grande Valley
Coordination Goal: Improve coordination for transportation services
Coordination Strategies:
- Seek funding to improve technology capabilties for coordination between transportation service providers
- Increase coordination between transit providers to include passenger linkages at common drop-off points
- explore effects of coordination between TxDOT, planning agencies, transit agencies, etc.
- Identify opportunities to coordinate or centralize services or pool resources
- Explore creation of regional mobility manager or coordinator position
- Design new routes or services to directly serve low-income and/or elderly persons
- Explore potential coordinated programs for the provision of low-cost or no cost transportation for priority populations
- Sustain the coordinated planning process
Coordination Goal: Increase utilization of resources between agencies in the region
Coordination Strategies:
- Seek to increase the regional pool of drivers utilized by transportation agencies
- Research operational improvements to increase the retention of drivers and other transportation staff in the region
- Improve connectivity between transportation agencies and resource management
- Sustain the coordinated planning process
Region: Middle Rio Grande
Coordination Goal: Promote public transportation within the seventeen counties of Planning Region 9 and the five counties included in the Big Bend region.
Coordination Strategies:
- Investigate income-based ride subsidy for Greyhound and/or All Aboard America (AAA) for trips linking outlying communities with Midland/Odessa/El Paso.
- Address misperceptions regarding TRAX eligbility.
- Develop more effective travel coordination between TRAX and EZ-Rider. Designate central TRAX pick-up locations in Midland and Odessa (served by EZ-Rider) for individuals traveling outside of the urbanized area (such as to the VA Medical Center in Big Spring).
- Develop and maintain a travel training program.
- Develop more effective coordination between transportation providers and healthcare providers, focusing on appointment times and awareness of travel limitations of ride-dependent patients.
Coordination Goal: Coordinate common support resources and services.
Coordination Strategies:
- Joint Driver Training
- Develop a regional one-call/one-click service.
Region: Central Texas
Coordination Goal: Coordinate transit agency functions.
Coordination Strategies:
- Develop a regional one-call/one-click service.
- Improve schedule coordination between routes and between operators/providers, thereby reducing “wait-time” between buses.
- Implement a travel training program
- Consider conducting joint recruitment and training of drivers, including non-profit operators.
- Implement a one-stop call center.
- Improve rural bus stops to provide a clear, ADA-accessible path of travel.
- Prepare Bus Stop Inventories and Bus Stop Improvement Plans for each operator.
Region: Nortex
Coordination Goal: Deploy strategies to improve service, coordination and generate higher ridership
Coordination Strategies:
- Office of Mobility Management
Region: Coastal Bend
Coordination Goal: Improve coordination among regional transportation providers
Coordination Strategies:
- Seek opportunities to coordinate services and resources in the region.
- Seek funding to improve technology for regional providers to provide services more efficiently.
- Coordinate and assist the City of Eagle Pass in the formation of the City’s
- Metropolitan Transportation Organization.
- Work with the City of Eagle Pass to establish organizational structure, develop operating standards and any required interlocal service agreements, transit services and assets needed.
Coordination Goal: Improve regional coordination between providers and brokers regarding nonemergency medical transportation (NEMT)
Coordination Strategies:
- Seek to establish regular meetings with NEMT brokers to discuss regional gaps in service.
Region: North Central Texas
Coordination Goal: Establish and sustain communications and decision-making mechanisms among sponsors and stakeholders to guide plan implementation effectively.
Coordination Strategies:
- Establish the responsibility for plan and coordinating committee oversight at TAPS
- Maintain the regional coordination committee as a place for robust discussion and development of solutions to regional transit needs.
- Educate agencies, policymakers, and the public on the need for providing service and responding to community needs.
Region: Ark-Tex
Coordination Goal: Identify Opportunities to Improve Coordination Between Transportation Providers in the Region
Coordination Strategies:
- Formalize coordination efforts between GoBus, Tyler Transit, Longview Transit, NDMJ and other private providers.
- Explore opportunities to improve coordination between public transit with NDMJ, Amtrak, human services transportation, and intercity bus services as well as other private providers.
- Implement new transfer locations that provide improved connections between Tyler Transit, GoBus, and Greyhound.
- Implement expanded regional mobility management efforts.
- Implement recommendations from maintenance study.
- Administer trainings for human service agency staff, medical facility personnel, and others on the use and availability of transportation services.
Region: Heart of Texas
Coordination Goal: Coordinate with Transportation Providers, Public Agencies, and Stakeholders to Increase Efficiencies
Coordination Strategies:
- Improve coordination among public transit providers and cities that lack public transportation
- Work with regional and local organizations to increase ease of travel across municipal and county boundaries
- Foster cooperation between public transit providers within counties to allow better connectivity and simplify regional trips
- Develop partnerships across transportation providers to improve access to trips in the evening and weekends
- Create and support partnerships between public transit providers and local organizations to increase opportunities to make fares more affordable for those in need
- Identify, evaluate, and implement where appropriate, non-traditional ways to deliver and support public transportation, including but not limited to partnerships among public transit agencies, private transportation providers, transportation network companies, shared use mobility programs, and volunteer drivers
Region: East Texas
Coordination Goal: Improve communications between service providers and clients
Coordination Strategies:
- Improve coordination amongst providers and health & human service agencies.
- Improve information and communication methods for users.
Region: Panhandle
Coordination Goal: Implement the WTEP Regional Health and Human Services – Public Transportation Coordination Plan through collaboration of services by member agencies.
Coordination Strategies:
- Ensure that WTEP is well managed and administered such that it operates within its bylaws and meets TxDOT’s contract requirements
- Develop an Implementation Plan that guides member organizations to meet the region’s goals and operating objectives.
- Increase WTEP’s membership by developing partnerships with transportation and health & human service organizations.
- Encourage WTEP member organizations to share information regarding legislative and regulatory changes that can have a positive or negative impact on member organizations.
- Identify and implement strategies designed to inform member organizations about their role in implementing the Regional Plan.
- Identify and promote ‘Best Practices’ for transit and health and human service organizations such that services are improved.
- Seek additional funds to support expenses generated by WTEP as it meets the Goals and Objectives of the Regional Plan.
Coordination Goal: Promote collaboration resulting in continued and improved services to persons served.
Coordination Strategies:
- Support the distribution of information to member organizations regarding funding opportunities (Section 5310 of the Federal Transportation Act - Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities - offered by FTA, TxDOT, as well as seek additional funds from various sources such as foundations, businesses, Coordinating Council of Access and Mobility CCAM), etc.
- Continue support to the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) by ensuring that Request for Proposals (RFP’s) submitted for funding under FTA Section 5310 are within the scope of the Regional Plan.
- Monitor and evaluate transportation services to dialysis centers and make recommendations that result in improved services.
- Develop and promote strategies designed to increase transportation and health and human services to persons from Brewster, Presidio, Davis, Culberson, and Hudspeth Counties.
- Continue to explore and present findings to appropriate entities as to having a metropolitan transportation system that combines city and county transit services into a single integrated service design.
- Continue to support the delivery of transportation and health and human services to: Individuals with disabilities; Individuals 65 and older; People with low income; Individuals with limited English proficiency; Children; Veterans; People lacking transportation to and from employment; and Members of the public.
Region: Permian Basin
Coordination Goal: Coordinate and Consolidate Transportation Services and Resources to Promote Efficiency and Equity
Coordination Strategies:
- Establish a Mobility Manager Network for Open Communication Between Regional Providers
- Increased Coordination Between Public Transit Agencies, Resources, and Information Exchange
- Enhanced Information Distribution on Services and Transit Networks
- Continued Operator/Staff Trainings, and the Introduction of Ridership Training
Region: Capital Area
Coordination Goal: Improve the effectiveness of the advisory committee
Coordination Strategies:
- Re-organize advisory committee