Region: Central Texas
Coordination Goal: Develop a sustainable fiscal system for transit in the region
Coordination Strategies:
- Increase capital (vehicle) funding for non-profit operators.
Coordination Goal: Ensure Funding Stability and Plan for Future Growth
Coordination Strategies:
- Secure Federal, State, and Local funding.
- Initiate a private sector sponsorship program and develop additional innovative partnerships to identify new funding sources.
- Work with human service and healthcare organizations.
- Advocate for additional funding to support public transit and human service transportation.
- Advocate for recommendations to improve public transportation identified through previous transit plans conducted in the region.
- Assess opportunities to improve recruitment and retention of vehicle operators.
Region: Panhandle
Coordination Goal: Fill gaps in service through identification and assessment of changing mobility needs, increased efficiencies, funding opportunities, and new technologies.
Coordination Strategies:
- Prepare for COVID-19 recovery period and long-term impacts of the pandemic.
- Survey transportation and health and human service organizations and identify ways in which WTEP can provide support to fill gaps in services.
- Promote expansion of interstate transportation and health and human services with South-Central New Mexico Rural Transit District (SCNMRTD) and Family Services of New Mexico, that serve Las Cruces, Chaparral, and Sunland Park New Mexico.
- Promote the creation of a user-friendly, single-entry phone and website access for passenger information for use by transit providers.
Coordination Goal: Strengthen and sustain financial opportunities
Coordination Strategies:
- Identify “need” to determine if it can be fulfilled by existing service or whether the “need” requires new service through 5310 funding
- Become more strategic about what resources are available—what needs exist and whether the region is being strategic with the resources that exist
- Develop a system to identify and promote funding opportunities for regional providers and programs
- Part and/or full-time grant writing assistance
- Advertise/organize competitive process for 5310 funding; examine how 5310 grant process is conducted
- Support the MPO’s role as a regional planning leader as area grows; as wholistic decision-making agency
Region: Capital Area
Coordination Goal: Sustainability and Growth
Coordination Strategies:
- Securing additional federal funding
- Securing local funding