Coordination Goal: Monitor and maximize service and operation effciencies.
Coordination Strategies:
- Pursue new grants, such as Innovatice Coordinated Access and Mobility (ICAM), Integrated Mobility Innovation (IMI), and others
- Improve coordination with local leaders and elected officials
- Secure increased local contributions for needs that elected officials and citizens resonate with most
Coordination Goal: Provide a seamless public transportation experience for all users.
Coordination Strategies:
- Adjust or add service to connect residents to grocery stores in order to address food desert issues in north Killeen and East Temple
- Provide new service to Industrial Blvd/Wendland Rd industrial corridor in Northern Temple
- Provide improved public transportation service to other key destinations including regional medical facilities and universities
- Improve fixed-route bus frequencies to 30 minutes on higher ridership routes
- Expand service hours to accommodate non-traditional work schedules
- Provide weekend services on higher ridership routes, such as Route 4 and Route 53
- Deploy a flex-route service at targeted times of day and geographic areas to accommodate the first and last mile transportation needs of seniors and students
Region: Middle Rio Grande
Coordination Goal: Develop innovative methods that assist with the continuation of public transportation services and the sustainability of multi-modal facilities
Coordination Strategies:
- Enhance bus stop amenities within the EZ-Rider service area.
- Ensure bus stops within urbanized areas are accessible to persons using mobility devices.
- Investigate creation of a volunteer driver program.
Region: South Texas
Coordination Goal: Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Coordination Strategies:
- Continual scan of existing services and inventory.
- Review of demographics/land uses.
- Conduct regular gap analysis: Identify specific public need. Identify transit program needs.
Region: Nortex
Coordination Goal: Ensure sustainability for existing and new services
Coordination Strategies:
- Formalize Regional Transportation Coordination Committee
Coordination Goal: Plan for new services
Coordination Strategies:
- Microtransit in the Larger Cities
Region: North Central Texas
Coordination Goal: Expand the availability of services, especially to those who are unserved.
Coordination Strategies:
- Identify and establish a program of future funding for service
- Monitor the supply of services and changes in travel demand and need as reported by partnering agencies and stakeholders.
- Prioritize closing service gaps for veterans, school-age children, and other population groups identified as underserved in the Texoma region.
Coordination Goal: Expand the availability of services to those who are underserved.
Coordination Strategies:
- Utilize regional customer survey data to devise improvement strategies for system.
- Utilize inventory and hours of service data to expand service available to underserved citizens in the region.
Coordination Goal: Increase the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery.
Coordination Strategies:
- Implement coordination strategies to increase cost effectiveness and efficiency of overall transportation system.
- Make capital equipment purchases and planning decisions that allow for cost efficiency and an improved rider experience.
Region: Heart of Texas
Coordination Goal: Implement Services by Enhancing Transportation Options and Expanding Where Service Gaps Exist
Coordination Strategies:
- Expand eligible trips for specialized public transportation services to include employment, social, religious, and well-being trips
- Increase access to employment, social (such as entertainment and shopping centers), religious, and well-being trips in areas with limited to no public transportation service
- Establish additional assistance or more specialized public transportation options for customers who are not ADA paratransit eligible or physically capable of utilizing regular public transportation services
- Expand service hours to support needs of low-income individuals in the service industry and outside traditional 9am-5pm jobs
- Expand public transportation services to key destinations throughout the region without comprehensive service and support regional integration of new services.
- Improve coordination among public transit providers and cities that lack public transportation
- Work with regional and local organizations to increase ease of travel across municipal and county boundaries
- Foster cooperation between public transit providers within counties to allow better connectivity and simplify regional trips
- Develop partnerships across transportation providers to improve access to trips in the evening and weekends
- Create and support partnerships between public transit providers and local organizations to increase opportunities to make fares more affordable for those in need
- Identify, evaluate, and implement where appropriate, non-traditional ways to deliver and support public transportation, including but not limited to partnerships among public transit agencies, private transportation providers, transportation network companies, shared use mobility programs, and volunteer drivers
Region: East Texas
Coordination Goal: Increase efficiency and effectiveness
Coordination Strategies:
- Work with and support transit providers in their mobility coordination efforts.
- Provide sufficient pool of drivers with proper qualifications.
Coordination Goal: Enhance access to healthcare and human services
Coordination Strategies:
- Need to better coordinate with dialysis centers and other critical services (such as mental health facilities); taking employees who work at centers to work in emergency situations; MPO to map dialysis centers, medical & health facilities, etc.
- Transit ready development guidance for new builds or developments that would not otherwise have access to public transportation
- Support access to food pantries, libraries, and other existing community services by hosting informational webinars, meetings, and leave-behind materials informing the public how to use various forms of transit
- Increase communication between HHS and transportation coordinators as well as workforce development (work on no-shows for both healthcare and transportation)
- Work with Veterans Services and the Veterans Administration directly to ensure consistent access to services for the Veteran populations
- Create emergency management plan for the region; participate in an emergency management planning process
Coordination Goal: Deliver quality services resulting in consistent mobility for our rural and urban passengers.
Coordination Strategies:
- Pilot New Fixed Routes
- Intercity Bus Service
- Comprehensive System-Wide Transportation Study
- Quality Assurance Plan
- Centralized Dispatch
- In-House Maintenance
Region: West Central Texas
Coordination Goal: Improve the safety of transportation services in the region
Coordination Strategies:
- Adjust and adapt to the evolving situations that occur as they relate to the COVID -19 pandemic.
Region: Capital Area
Coordination Goal: Deploy strategies to improve service, coordination and generate higher ridership
Coordination Strategies:
- Urban/rural mobility manager
- In-town on-demand service - microtransit
- Fixed schedule service
- Intercounty service